The big picture:
Under new rules, allied health providers cannot be paid by the NDIA for services that are not ‘NDIS supports’.
‘NDIS supports’, as defined in the new section 10 of the NDIS Act 2013 and Schedule 1 of the NDIS (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No.1) (NDIS Supports) Transitional Rules 2024, include:
- early intervention supports for early childhood (0-9 years) (Item 17); and
- therapeutic supports (Item 34).
What to watch:
Allied health services must (of course) be evidence-based. In addition:
- early intervention supports must help the child and their family achieve better long-term outcomes for the child (item 17); and
- therapeutic supports must help participants improve or maintain their functional capacity (item 34).
What we’re doing:
We’re working with clients and families to review assessment, reporting, goal-setting, and therapy workflows to ensure our services are NDIS supports. To structure our review, we’re using the following frameworks:

Go deeper:
For more information about NDIS reforms, check out our free webinar.

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