ALOFT: Advances. Legal Updates. Organisation. Frameworks. Tips.
Advances: ten health innovations to watch for, including “digital therapeutics”
As a Provider, it’s hard enough to stay up-to-date, much less to look ahead at what’s coming at us! But we need to watch for potential technological game-changers: things that might disrupt existing care models, or open up new opportunities (or both). The big brains at McKinsey have identified 10 major health innovations. The one that caught our eye was the potential of “digital therapeutics”: AI-powered applications using gamification and other behaviour hacks to engage clients and to help them achieve their goals. Read all about it (and the other 9 innovations – here).
Legal Update: 97% of NDIS appeals are settled before they get to the AAT. Where’s the transparency?
The NDIS appeal process has always been a tad mysterious. Settlement details are confidential, which makes it hard for participants – and providers – to see what supports are being provided to people in similar circumstances. The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) has joined more than 20 other major organisations in the disability community calling on the NDIA to make appeal decisions public. More transparency and accountability is a good idea, especially given the perception that participants who are better able to advocate and to appeal NDIA decisions are doing better than those who can’t. Read PIAC’s position and the open letter here.
Organisation: are vision, mission, and value statements a complete waste of time? How can we make them useful?
Almost every provider has a mission statement asserting their commitment to values like integrity, collaboration, client-centred care and respect, social responsibility, diversity and team work. But talk can be cheap. Do providers in general “walk the walk” when it comes to values? Researchers at MIT Sloan School of Management looked at the corporate sector in the USA and found no correlation between official values and corporate culture. This is a big problem. What can you do about it? It starts with better communication with your team. Read several easy-to-action tips here.
Frames of Mind: Work-life balance? What work-life balance!
As I write these words on a Sunday evening, I confess that this one cut close to the bone!

via: @lizandmollie
Tip: How to make planning less boring and more useful in uncertain times
Long-term strategic planning is out of fashion – especially given what’s going on right now. We need tools to cope with complex systems, and ways to build in flexibility. Agile planning is a snappy buzz phrase. But what does it mean? Alessandro Di Fiore of the European Centre for Strategic Innovation explains all.
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